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BIMtour in numbers 2018-2020
Now, BIMtour online

Why BIMtour?
Because BIM is now!
Why BIMtour?
Because BIM is now!
BIM is the latest evolution of traditional design systems since it incorporates geometric (3D), planning (4D), cost (5D), environmental (6D), and maintenance (7D) information.
The use of BIM goes beyond the design and planning phases, covering the execution of the project, and extending throughout the life cycle of the building: it allows management throughout the life of the building or the infrastructure, reducing the maintenance costs and operation..

For whom?

Architects and Technical Architects

Engineers and Technical Engineers

Promoters and Construction Companies

Product Manufacturers
What do we offer you?
We offer companies and professionals who already work with BIM the opportunity of showing their products, projects and experiences throughout Spain. Its presence in BIMtour is a specialized showcase on which to strengthen its commercial strategies.
For those organisations and professionals linked to construction, who have not yet made the leap to BIM, we will show you the best experiences, success stories, and processes, to successfully implement the BIM methodology in your projects and in your product catalog, and how to move towards construction 4.0.
¿Quién dirige BIMtour?
Experiencia en la creación, desarrollo, internacionalización y comunicación de materiales, productos y servicios relacionados con la arquitectura sostenible e industrializada, el ecodiseño y la docencia universitaria y de postgrado. Áreas de investigación: Nuevo Contrato con la Naturaleza (Biomimética), Entornos urbanos y rurales autosuficientes, La transformación de individuos a través de la formación experiencial, BIM, concepto de ligero.
REBUILD 2021 arranca mañana en Madrid con más de 8.000 congresistas y un impacto de 17 millones de euros para la ciudad
IFEMA MADRID reúne a los profesionales del sector de la edificación para impulsar un cambio de modelo productivo en la construcción con la industrialización, la digitalización y la sostenibilidad como palancas de la transformación. Más de 280 firmas expositoras...
read moreFollow the BIMtour in June: A Coruña the June 27 session dedicated to Administrations and University
The BIMtour does not stop and we have dates for June and July. After AEMIFESA, BIM Academy organizes at the ETSAC (University of A Coruña) another session of BIM for Public Administrations and University on June 27. From BIM Academy we organize a new session: "BIM for...
read moreEl 13 de junio: “BIM para instaladores e industriales: BIM MEP”
¿Eres instaladores de Fontanería, Electricidad, Saneamiento, Gas, Calefacción, Climatización y Mantenimiento y ver cómo se implanta y utiliza en distintos proyectos? El próximo 13 de junio a las 17h tienes una cita con BIMtour en "BIM para instaladores e industriales:...
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