Bringing you closer to the world of BIM

Why a traveling event?

The goal of BIMtour is to bring the BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology closer to the professionals, companies and institutions attending, so that they know the key elements that help to create a structured plan for the integration of BIM in their projects and processes, in any phase of the construction cycle.  It aims to make attendees more competitive, profitable and productive, thanks to working with this methodology and its technologies.

What we will do in the BIMtour sessions?


To help take the first step of this transformation process towards Construction 4.0 and smart cities, BIMtour sessions will focus on:


  • The corporate strategy
  • The organisational structure
  • The work processes
  • The work processes
  • The work processes
  • The work processes

Who we are going to?


The presentations last for one morning (4h) or one afternoon (3h),
and are directed at seven differentiated environments (administrations and public agencies, builders, manufacturers of materials and products, architects, technical architects, engineers, engineer technicians) that correspond to the three phases of a construction cycle (design and planning, work and management, maintenance and operation).

What will I get in return?


BIMtour is considered a useful event for the participating companies and professionals, and for those attending the sessions.

  • Participation in a series of special days with professionals and companies of reference.
  • Visibility in 25 events in 8-10 cities during 2018 / 2019.
  • Access to 750 -1,000 professionals interested in BIM and Construction 4.0 and participants in BIMtour.
  • A list of people who have selected or shown interest
    specifically for their organisation / brand
  • Be an active part of the new community of transformative leaders in construction and BIM Innovation HUB.







Companies and services

Join the vision and objectives of BIMtour

Download our diptych of participation

BIM bang PDF


Options and conditions of participation for BIM companies and professionals.

BIM bang Kindle


Conditions of participation for administrations and public entities, official organisations and professional associations.

How can I participate?

If you want to participate, we will give you the opportunity to show your experience, your company, your products or your projects in the BIMtour sessions.

You can participate by contributing content, participating as a speaker, or even offering some type of document, software or project to show and/or give to the attendees.


BIMtour is expected to have an average of 9 collaborator reports per session, this opens the opportunity to have direct contact with attendees. We recommend that you inform us as soon as possible and reserve your participation in the selected sessions and cities.

The sessions must display originality or creativity in order to draw attention, improve the experience of the attendees, and leave a mark on the memory of the participants.


Participation Request

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