
Public Administrations
Public Entities
Collaborating Companies
Schools and Associations
Other Organizations

- 24/10/18: Tarragona (Port de Tarragona). Session for Constructors: morning
- 16/11/18: Tremp (ICGC). Session for Public Administrations: morning
- 19/11/18: Barcelona (Canòdrom). Session for Builders and Industrialists: morning
- 19/11/18: Barcelona (Canòdrom). Session for Engineers and Architects: afternoon
- 28/11/18: Gijón. Session for Public Administrations: morning
- 28/11/18: Gijón. Session for Professional Associations: afternoon
- 29/11/18: Gijón. Session for Business Groups: morning
- 29/11/18: Gijón. Session for University / companies / Users Group: afternoon
- 19/12/18: Barcelona (ICGC). Session for Public Administrations: morning
- 30/01/19: San Sebastián. EnerTIC: Session for Public Administrations and University: morning
- 30/01/19: San Sebastián. EnerTIC: Session for Professional Associations and Business: afternoon
- 14/02/19: León. Escuela de Ingenierías. Session for University: tomorrow
- 14/02/19: León. Escuela de Ingenierías. Session for Professional Associations: afternoon
- 20/02/19: Tarragona. COAATT. Session for Technical Architects, Surveyors, Building Engineers: afternoon
- 12/03/19: Tenerife. Session for Public Administrations: morning
- 12//03/19: Tenerife. Session for Architects: afternoon
- 13/03//19: Tenerife. Session for Engineers (civil, road, technical, industrial): morning
- 13/03//19: Tenerife. Session for Builders and Promoters: afternoon
- 14/03/19: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Session for University: morning
- 14/03/19: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Session for Industrialists: afternoon
- 15/03/19: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Session for Architects: morning
- 15/03/19: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Session for Engineers: afternoon
Dates to Confirm:
- Madrid
- Málaga
- Santander
- Valladolid
- Sevilla
- Bilbao
- San Sebastián
- Zaragoza
- Huesca
Download our diptych of participation

Conditions of participation for AAPP, official organisations and professional associations
How can I participate in BIMtour?
If you want to participate, we will give you the opportunity to show your experience, your company, and your products or your projects in our BIMtour sessions.
You can participate by contributing content, by participating as a speaker, or even by offering documents, software, or projects to show and/or give the attendees.
An average of 9 collaborators’ presentations is anticipated, opening the opportunity to have direct contact with the attendants. We recommend that you inform us or reserve your participation as soon as possible for your selected sessions and cities.
Your contribution to the sessions must bring originality or creativity in order to draw attention, improve the experience of the attendees, and leave a mark on the memory of the participants.