COAAT Zaragoza
C/ Coso 98-100, planta 2ª, Zaragoza
Afternoon Session (3:30pm to 7:00pm)
The construction sector linked to Public Administration is witnessing important changes. As of the 17th of December, 2018, it has been mandatory for bids for public building work to incorporate BIM requirements. For infrastructures, the mandate will come into effect on the 26th of July, 2019 (Ministry of Development). Already, large private projects are being executed in accordance with the requirements of this new methodology.
BIMtour is an initiative to aid the largest number of agents in the AECO sector with their transition towards creating working models in accordance with the requirements demanded by Advanced Architecture and Construction 4.0.
Objective of the day
To present what BIM is, how to implement it, what tools are necessary (hardware, software and systems) and how this new methodology will contribute to transforming the projecting, building and maintaining of buildings and infrastructures.
It interests you if you are…
A technical architect, surveyor, or building engineer who provides management services and execution of works to public administrations and entities, to developers and private constructors, as well as to any other AECO agent that you need to subcontract according to BIM requirements.
Registration of Participants. Welcome and Agenda of the Day
What is BIM, its 10 Dimensions, and the Benefits and Savings it Brings.
Ignasi Pérez Arnal, BIM Academy
Can the “I” of the BIM be managed?
Nicola Paltrinieri, Pinearq
BIM as a Gateway to the Digitization of the AEC Sector
José Ángel Salanova, atBIM
Break and Networking
BIM Ecosystems: from the office to work
Ioanna Alsasua, Graphisoft (SIMBIM)
Case Studies
Diego Mosquera, FARO
The Construction Process: CamBIMando
Santos Salazar, Grupo Lobe
Round Table