BIM in the scope of Public Administration: towards a common language

Tenerife, 28th of March


Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ingeniería – Universidad de La Laguna


Morning Session (9:30am to 1:00pm)

The construction sector is witnessing important changes.  Bids for public works of construction must already incorporate BIM requirements from December 17, 2018 and, for new infrastructures, the obligation will be effective as of July 26, 2019 (Ministry of Development).  Already, large private projects are being executed in accordance with the requirements of this new methodology.

Objective of the day

The three-hour conference will present what BIM is, tips to implement it in an easy way, what tools are necessary (hardware, software and systems) and how this new methodology will contribute to transforming the way of projecting, building and maintaining buildings and infrastructures.

Additionally, the latest developments in the relationship between BIM and GIS will be presented.


It interests you if you are…

A technician, professional or manager with responsibilities in the areas of what the new electronic administration, urbanism, or architecture entails, working with existing projects, heritage sites or the environment, or considering the obligation of the new Law of Contracts of the Public Sector from its start date on March 8th, 2018.

It is also interesting for councillors, heads of technical offices and elected representatives of any administration working with urbanism and Smart Cities.



Registration of Participants. Welcome and Agenda of the Day


What is BIM, its 10 Dimensions, the Benefits and Savings it Brings, and Current Legislation
Ignasi Pérez Arnal, director of BIM Academy


Libraries of materials and BIM


Managing the Documentation of Construction Projects in BIM and Non-BIM Environments
Ioanna Alsasua, Bluebeam (SIMBIM)


Break and Networking



New Opportunities Generated by Digitization in the Construction Industry
Norena Martín, ULL


BIM Model of Livestock Housing
Ángel Adán Peñalosa, BIMLAB – IES Geneto


How to Implement BIM in Organisations: the requirements, financing, and measurement of success
Corona Amaral Arquitectura 


BIM in Public Administrations
Alejandro Nuñez, IMCremental SL.


Round Table




Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ingeniería – Universidad de La Laguna

Av. Ángel Guimerá Jorge, s/n.

 38204. San Cristóbal de La Laguna