The European Observatory of the Construction Sector (ECSO) is an initiative of the COSME Program  that analyzes and performs comparative evaluations of the construction sector in the 28 EU countries, with the aim of keeping European policy makers informed and informed. stakeholders about market conditions and the evolution of policies.

ECSO profiles the construction industry in the 28 EU countries and produces sheets with detailed information (CFS) for each country. Each of them provides an analysis of key data, macroeconomic indicators, economic drivers, problems and barriers, innovation, national / regional policy and regulatory framework, and the current state and national strategy to comply with the objectives of Construction 2020.

El último documento de tendencias de ECSO (marzo de 2019) analiza la implementación del Building Information Modelling (BIM) en la UE, analiza los impulsores, las oportunidades y los desafíos en torno a su implementación, y formula recomendaciones para los responsables políticos de la UE y otros actores relevantes sobre cómo apoyar y Fomentar la adopción de BIM por la industria de la construcción.

Para saber más, le invitamos a una próxima sesión BIMtour